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National Preparedness Month: Start a Conversation

September is National Preparedness Month. Since only slightly more than half of Americans believe they are prepared for a disaster, FEMA's annual campaign highlights the importance of being ready in case of an emergency. Getting ready doesn't have to be hard and can help you feel more confident during all types of weather.

This year's National Preparedness Month theme is "Start a Conversation." This theme walks you through five steps to help start talking with your loved ones about creating a plan in the case of a disaster.

1. Consider Why:

Having a conversation with your family about how to be ready for dangerous situations can be tough. If you need motivation to help start the discussion, remember that the reason you're planning is to help yourself and your family stay safe. 

2. Be Aware:

What kind of disasters can happen where you live? Especially if you've recently moved and aren't familiar with the region, do some research or talk to your neighbors to find out more about your area. While some locations may be more prone to wildfires or flooding, your state may commonly see tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, or blizzards. 

 3. Think About Who:

Your unique situation will impact who you should talk to about developing a preparedness plan. People you rely on or who rely on you could include immediate or extended family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, or other community groups. 

4. Have the Conversation:

It's time to talk! You can have some conversation points ready, like

  • What should be included in your emergency plan?
  • How will your plan include or protect children and/or pets?
  • Are there any skills you should learn, like CPR or First Aid?
  • How can you prepare your finances?

5. Start Your Action Plan:

Having the conversation is the first step! Now, start enacting some of the preparedness tips you discussed. That could be as simple as signing up for emergency alerts for your area or as complex as pulling together an emergency kit. Regardless of what you choose, the important part is to get started! 

Emergency situations all require some level of preparation, and one essential component of all plans is knowing your insurance coverage. Learn more about what parts of your home and property are included, or not included, by sitting down for a check-in with your insurance agent.

This National Preparedness Month, "Start a Conversation" and ensure your home and family are protected. If you have questions about your current insurance coverage or want to review your plan with your agent, contact the Mulling team!

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